The Benefits of the Khan Academy

The Benefits of the Khan Academy

If you are a teacher or a student looking for educational materials online, Khan Academy is a great option. This non-profit educational organization was founded by Salman Khan in 2008. The Khan Academy has short online lessons that cover a variety of topics. The website also includes supplementary practice exercises and materials for educators.

Content Offered by Khan Academy

The content offered by Khan Academy is extensive and includes a broad range of subjects. This includes basic to higher education, test preparation, and life skills. The materials are free and the site is structured to guide learners through a specific mission. Each mission is designed to guide students through the self-curated materials. Missions are grouped by subject area or grade level. Students can work through each lesson at their own pace and move on once they’ve mastered the lesson.

Khan Academy is a fantastic online classroom that offers a wide range of topics, including science, history, and math. The content is detailed and the program’s teaching style is realistic. Students can also connect with “coaches,” either an online tutor or classroom teacher. The coaches can intervene if they feel a student is not progressing as expected.


The Khan Academy relies on donations to keep its content free. This includes donations from individuals, corporations, and foundations. In 2010, Google donated

$2 million to help the academy develop its website and expand its course offerings into other languages. This donation, along with others, are the main ways the Khan Academy earns money.

Khan Academy offers a variety of courses in mathematics, science, and computing. There are also resources for homeschoolers and teachers. Khan Academy also offers test preparation.

Benefits for Teachers

The Khan Academy website offers a wealth of benefits for teachers. It offers videos that teachers can use to help students prepare for class. These videos can help cut down on lecture time and help teachers focus on providing one-on-one assistance for students. This is especially useful for struggling students. Teachers can also sign up to serve as “coaches” for their students so they can track their progress.

The Khan Academy program is free to use for teachers and students. This is particularly important because many schools lack the budget to keep up-to-date software. The Khan Academy has been designed for use in the home but it has many classroom tools and features. Its creator, Salman Khan, offers the program for free to schools. This makes it a valuable tool that doesn’t cut into the school budget.

Impact on Students

The impact of Khan Academy on students’ test scores, self-concept, and academic efficacy was observed in a study of elementary school students. The more time students spent using the Khan Academy, the better their test scores were. Students who spent more time on the program also reported a decreased math anxiety.

The study found that the impact of Khan on students was more apparent among students in the second year of the program. These students used the site less frequently than students in the first year, but used it more independently and in ways more aligned with the site’s mission. The results of this study may be of value to schools interested in exploring how technology is used in classrooms.

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