As children grow the best things for them to learn and play with include things which are geared toward more science educational toys. They can learn and have fun at the same time. Educational toys help younger children brains develop at a faster rate. Science teaches them not only how things work or how things can be made but also how things in nature and the Earth works and why. These can be fun for the entire family to enjoy and join in on the creating and the building.

One fun and colorful scientific wonder toy is that of special brightly colored sand which when placed in water stays dry. Once it is in the water your child can then have the task of creating different shapes and forms with use of a straw. Another sand related activity is being able to play at digging of cosmic rocks. These are made from Tektites which are meteorite fragments that your child can actually dig into and explore.

They can also grow there very own crystals easily by a kit which includes everything they need. The chemicals within dissolve once they are added to water and then turn into brilliantly … READ MORE ...

How to Balance Your Decision to Raise Thinking Kids With Schools Requesting Over-Involved Parents
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When my child was in the 2nd grade, and her teacher asked me why I didn’t sign her “homework” notebook, I told her it was because I was raising a “thinking” child.

It’s the same reason I didn’t:

  • Go through my kids backpacks every day
  • Pick out my child’s clothes
  • Decide if they would bring lunch or buy lunch
  • Make their lunch if they decided to bring it
  • Sit in the classroom and “observe”
  • Make a special trip to school to drop off a forgotten instrument, pair of cleats or science project
  • Talk to the teacher about my child’s “performance” without my child present
  • And 100 other decisions I made about my role in my child’s educational experience

I believed my primary job was to prepare my kids to leave home at 18 with the confidence necessary to make hundreds of decisions each day, the ability to overcome whatever challenge or obstacle they encounter and to do so with a sense of courage, curiosity and enthusiasm. That is how I defined my job as a mother. I made that decision when my first child came home from Kindergarten with a list of “expectations” the teacher had of me.… READ MORE ...

The education system today may be fantastic at teaching our children reading, math and writing skills, but when it comes to teaching them about real world issues like money, it gets a failing grade. Where did you learn about money? Did you have rich parents that taught you everything? Did you read about it? Or did you learn by trial and error in the real world? As a parent, the best gift you can give your child is knowledge about these basic money management strategies

Pay yourself first

Managing money and building a secure financial future is not all about rates of return and investment amounts but more about habits. As soon as your child is old enough, and starts dealing with money, start teaching them one of the core principles of wealth creation, pay yourself first. We all know if we take the route of paying all the bills and then investing what is left over, there never seems to be any left over. So instead, take the alternative approach of paying yourself first. Teach them to get in a habit of setting aside 10% of whatever they earn and put that money aside for long term … READ MORE ...

5 methods to learn a new subject fast

When it comes to studying, there never seems to be enough hours in the day. You’re either tied up in classes, doing sports or having fun, or spending some much needed downtime after a long day. So when it’s time to study, it’s vital you get the most out of the time you have, and study smarter. Here are 5 quick ways of speeding up the process of learning a new subject quickly.

1. Have a toolbox of learning methods

It’s easy to fall in to the trap of reading textbook after textbook after textbook, but at some point – probably early on – you’ll begin to switch off. Instead, think about using a variety of learning methods, such as:

  • Taking and reviewing your notes from class. Make sure you understand what each note means, and feel free to expand on it after.
  • Take some time to teach a friend or family member what you’re studying. We find it much easier to retain information which we ‘say’ and ‘do’ rather than just ‘read’.
  • Think outside of the box. What about an extra summer course or some online learning?

2. Plan your study time

Put together a study schedule which requires … READ MORE ...

math games for grade 1 online freeAbove all you need to understand what you are calculating, how stable the algorithms are, and what you need to do if the error is larger than anticipated. Floating-point math can be stunningly accurate but you also require to understand what it is that you are in fact calculating. If you want to learn far more about algorithm stability you need to read up on situation numbers and consider obtaining Michael L Overton’s excellent book Numerical Computing with IEEE Floating Point Arithmetic If your code is providing large errors then, rather than rising your epsilon values, you should attempt restructuring your code to make it far more stable – this can at times give stunning benefits.

And, the fuzziness occasionally has to extend to ”. When, say, making a BSP employing dot merchandise and ‘<‘ you would like to divide the world into two sets, but arguably what you actually do is divide the world into two definite sets plus a set of points that are so close to the cutting plane that they are ambiguous. I don’t see how the floating-point math standard can fix that — although it could offer functions to … READ MORE ...