Families are being pulled in all directions financially these days. Most are concerned with just making ends meet. Putting money away for their children’s education then becomes massively overwhelming in today’s economy. And for some families, an impossible dream.

The Reality of the Cost of College

Up until the 1970’s to the early 1980’s, the idea of working your way through college was within reach. Granted, it wasn’t easy, but it was still attainable. Student loans were more accessible, and had easier terms.

With college tuition skyrocketing, student loan access shrinking, and a poor job market, its put college out of reach for many kids. In fact, its forced many kids to look at community colleges as a stepping stone to a four year institution to earn a bachelor’s degree., and changed the way they enter school. Instead of applying to a four year institution, they’ll first go to a community college, then hope to transfer into a university, thereby cutting the cost of tuition.

Wouldn’t it be better if you can prepare your child for paying their own way through college, and do it a fraction of the cost of contributing to their education financially?

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